Types of Drug Tests

When twinkles count, LabCorp’s rapid-fire test programs offer medicines of abuse webbing that's rapid-fire and dependable.

Rapid tests point- of- collection testing( POCT) provides on- point webbing for medicines of abuse, Urine Drug Test Full Service, and slaver alcohol following LabCorp’s chain- of- guardianship protocol.

LabCorp performs rapid-fire tests in numerous of its instance collection spots nationwide, or guests may choose to perform tests in their own installations.

Rapid tests performed at LabCorp patient service centers( PSCs) that screen negative have results available to the ordering customer generally within 4 hours. LabCorp’s pukka laboratories give mass spectrometry evidence for non-negative rapid-fire test medicine defenses. Mass spectrometry evidence results are generally available within 48- 72 hours after the instance are entered in the laboratory.

LabCorp’s rapid-fire test process involves the collector running an original screen on- point at the point of collection. Collections performed in a LabCorp PSC include the collector entering the webbing results via a web- grounded tool. Once results are entered, they're downloaded into the laboratory system, enabling guests to gain electronic reports and statistical summary data. The rapid-fire test affect entry web tool is available for use by guests who choose to perform the webbing in their own installations.

Program Features
Negative results usually obtainable within four hours
Rapid tests performed at LabCorp- possessed and managed spots (Note Select POCT products are available at LabCorp collection spots. Check with LabCorp about vacuity.)
Walk- in rapid-fire test collections performed at most spots
Multiple urine medicine webbing panels available, including webbing for oxycodone and elatedness
Multiple state- of- the- art reporting styles available

Testing Options
Urine medicine Webbing
Available urine medicine screen rapid-fire tests range from one to nine medicines including

Marijuana metabolite
Phencyclidine( PCP)
Oxycodone/ oxymorphone
Hydrocodone/ hydromorphone
Mass spectrometry evidence of on-negative samples is available through our SAMHSA- certified laboratories.

Specimen Validity Screening
LabCorp offers rapid-fire tests that give information about the possible contamination of urine samples submitted for medicines of abuse testing.

Saliva Alcohol Screening with DOT- Conforming Product
LabCorp offers slaver alcohol rapid-fire tests that are performed with a DOT- conforming product and following LabCorp’s chain- of- guardianship protocol. slaver alcohol webbing is available through spots possessed and managed by LabCorp. guests may also choose to perform tests in their own installations.


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