Random Testing Consortium: A need for Transportation Companies/ Truck Drivers

Random Testing Consortium is the random selection of truck drivers/employees from different transportation companies and making one large group of them called a random testing pool. There are equal chances for the selection of random drug and alcohol testing for each employee present in the random testing pool.

Why drug abuse is common among truck drivers? 

The prolonged duty periods of truck drivers and hectic duty requiring them to be awake for several hours driving contribute to excessive usage of drugs more than any other company employee.

According to the latest survey conducted by American Addiction Centers truck drivers showed a high frequency of drug abuse. About 30 percent of truck drivers are reported as drug abusers. Among American-based truckers, the most frequently used drug is alcohol. Another study performed by the Department of Labor shows 65% percent of road accidents are related to drug abuse.

Is Random Drug testing random for real? 

As the name indicates it’s a random, unexpected, and spontaneous test. After a scientific selection of a certain employee by C/TPA from the random testing pool, an immediate test is conducted through the drug collecting site.

What happens when random drug testing is positive?

The employee is removed from work immediately once he is tested positive.

How can we rejoin after a failed random drug testing?

After the immediate removal of the employee from safety-sensitive work. A complete return to duty process is observed and the positively tested employee is randomly tested for at least the duration of 12 months.

Can I get any advance notification for Random Drug Testing?

There is no chance of being notified earlier for random drug testing. It is supposed to be a surprise to maintain quality control.

Will prescribed medications also affect random drug testing? 

If the test is positive due to the usage of medications the prescription is demanded by the employee which is further reviewed by the MRO (medical review officers) who are highly professional to assess the validity of the prescription. And if they are satisfied with all their assessment and examination the employee is declared eligible for the work.

How often Random drug testing is done?

According to FMSCA, the factor of surprise makes random drug testing productive. Random selections are at least done quarterly while there is no surety of when and how many times the driver be tested throughout the year.  

5 reasons to join Random Testing Consortium?

  • A safe work environment

The removal of the driver under the influence of drugs from the safety-sensitive workplace not only helps the driver but his co-workers as well.

  • Customer Reliability

Random drug testing ensures the commitment of an employer toward their clients while serving them reliable, uninterrupted services by avoiding any mishap.

  • Employee and Company Safety

It reduces the chances of accidents, and injuries while protecting the transportation company against certain allegations by FMSCA.

  • Reduce the chances of drug abusers applying for your company

Mentioning that your company takes part in the random testing consortium helps in lowering the rate of drug abusers looking for jobs in your company and thus maintaining the quality of your company.

  • Reduce the cost 

Random Testing Consortium merges the companies thus lowering the expense of drug testing making bills payable and adding relief to the financial burden.

Random Testing Consortium provides the all-in-one solution to your problem as a transportation company owner, employer, and driver. It not only lowers the cost of your company but also helps in being competitive by keeping you aligned with all FMSCA regulations.

Starting a business is easy but remaining competitive, compatible, and reliable in the marketplace is another step. Random Testing Consortium makes it easy and convenient for your company and your drivers to remain intact with all safety-based needs.

If you are ready to join a consortium, contact us at goMDnow for the best Random Testing Consortium services.


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