Return to Duty Process: Get back to the road

If a truck driver is tested positive or refused the drug and alcohol test, immediate removal of that employee is observed from the safety-sensitive position. Further decisions are made according to the workplace policy of the employer. Before getting back to the job the employee has complete the return to duty process.

Why RTD is necessary?

After the violation of DOT drug and alcohol testing the truck driver may not be able to rejoin duty for at least 5 years until or unless the RTD process is completed.

Steps of DOT Return-to-duty process

  • An instant removal of positively tested employees from safety-sensitive positions.

  • Finding a competent DOT SAP and completing an initial SAP assessment.

  • Completion of SAP-recommended instructive or treatment program.

  • Fulfilling a second SAP assessment.

  • If the SAP report is good, a complete return to work observation drug test is considered.

It's important to note that the specific steps of the Return to Duty process FMCSA can vary depending on the employer and the circumstances of the failed drug test. However, these general steps are often part of the process.

goMDnow Return to Duty services

Returning to duty after a failed drug test can be a difficult and overwhelming process. If you're facing the challenge of the return to duty process, don't face it alone, let us help you with this. 

Our clients have a maximum success rate in completing the RTD process under our professional guidance. Sign up for RTD or Call us at 980-202-1466 for a free consultation.

Related Information

What makes you fail a drug test?

What are the DOT violations?


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