Why is a drug-free workplace important?

A drug-free workplace is essential for the safety and success of any organization. It not only reduces the risk of accidents and liabilities but also protects the company’s reputation. 

To establish a drug-free workplace, businesses must implement a comprehensive drug-free workplace program that includes five essential components: 

  • Drug-free workplace policy 

  • Supervisor training

  • Employee education

  • Employee assistance program

  • Drug testing

Drug-free workplace policy A written policy that clearly outlines the company’s expectations regarding drug and alcohol use. The policy should include provisions for recognizing and dealing with employees who have performance problems related to substance abuse and provide guidelines for referring employees to available assistance programs. Read more 

Supervisor training Supervisors should be trained to identify signs of substance abuse and know how to enforce the policy effectively. They should also be aware of their role in providing support and assistance to employees who may be struggling with addiction.

Employee education Employees should be informed of the company’s drug-free workplace policy, the risks associated with substance abuse, and the available resources for assistance.

An employee assistance program EAPs provide confidential counseling and support to employees struggling with addiction or other personal issues. They also help employees access treatment programs and resources to overcome addiction.

Finally, drug testing help employers identify employees who may be using drugs and take action to prevent drug-related accidents or injuries. It is especially important for safety-sensitive positions such as truck drivers, where drug use can have severe consequences. Learn more about safety-sensitive positions.

More Information

What are the benefits of Drug-free workplace?

Why Every Workplace Needs a Drug-Free Policy?

Maintaining a drug-free workplace can shape or break your company. goMDnow, help you to keep your workplace free whether it’s setting a drug-free policy or Random Testing Consortium. Contact us for managing your DOT/non-DOT drug testing program.


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